88 products in collection
Deep Fried Dumplings(12pcs)
In stock
Choice of Beef Fried Dumplings, Beef Steamed Dumplings, Vegetable Fried Dumplings, Vegetable Steamed Dumplings
(고기/야채) 만두튀김, (고기/야채) 찐만두
Deep Fried Dumplings(6pcs)
In stock
Choice of Beef Fried Dumplings, Beef Steamed Dumplings, Vegetable Fried Dumplings, Vegetable Steamed Dumplings
(고기/야채) 만두튀김, (고기/야채) 찐만두
Go Ba Woo Special IV
고바우 스페셜 IV
In stock
Grilled Mackerel + Soybean Paste Stew or Beef Soft Tofu Stew or Kimchi Stew
고등어구이 + 된장 or 순두부찌게 or 김치찌게 $3.00